brown field and blue sky

What Brings Me Joy

Blog, Spirits Path Podcast
selective focus photo of flowers
Photo by GM Rajib on

“This week on Spirits Path Podcast I mentioned that I wold share some of the things that bring me joy”

I wrote that before October 7- and since then I have deleted this post numerous times. I couldn’t quite grasp the sentiment I was initially inspired by. Which is doubly interesting because the podcast episode is about GRIEF being good. Here I am sometime in January of 2024 deciding I have to finish what I started- but from a new space. You just read the bridge, did it work?

The new space is this: I am here to experience and share the highly energetic portions of my lived experience and I have been shirking my responsibilities because I have been sheltering from it. I detached from the reason I detached or in other words became so attached to detachment that I needed to be reminded of my job, so to speak, here on their earthly plane. I have been playing it easy, simple with the most nonchalance I almost forgot how to live. I definitely forgot what I like- or rather I never gave my “newer” self the time to figure it out.
So per usual the universe provided and now after a couple injuries, some random illness and a couple of huge changes I am locked in and ready to roll. In order to get everything going I am planning a lot of physical maneuvering with Josh in the next year and its going to be a lot of unexpectedness in the best possible way. This is directly connected to creating that space of providing from. More about that another time.
For now, this has to do with how we all treat each other.

The most honest place to begin is with myself.

Treat yourself BETTER

Our new motto- YOU and I. For the next few months. Visit me on TikTok to connect- leave a comment on a video about this blog post.

Here are some things that bring me joy- below is the podcast episode I mentioned above.

Grieving is an inherent aspect of the human condition. It is a vital process through which we acknowledge and deal with loss, whether it’s the end of a relationship, the passing of a loved one, or any other significant departure from our lives. Grief allows us the space to confront our sorrow, to understand its depths, and to pay tribute to the significance of our losses. Recognizing the importance of grief is thus recognizing the depth of our capacities for love and attachment.

However, the cautionary note in the statement, “Grieving Is Good, but not if we get ahead of ourselves,” touches on the concept of anticipatory grief—mourning a loss before it actually occurs. The natural order of grieving can be disrupted by anticipating our sadness and letting it overshadow our present realities. This can create a shadow of apprehension and anxiety, potentially robbing us of the ability to appreciate the present and to live fully in the moment.

To grieve before loss has occurred can seem like a self-protective mechanism, an attempt to buffer the shock we fear. But such pre-emptive grief often does not spare us pain; instead, it can prolong it, extend the emotional challenges, and sometimes even magnify the eventual impact of the loss.

Importantly, grieving must not be allowed to become an end in itself. It is not the destination but part of a journey—a painful yet necessary path we walk towards healing and acceptance. Our adaptive strength is shown in our ability to navigate this process without becoming mired in ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes,’ focusing instead on the tangible, the here and now, with a cautious eye towards the future.

In essence, while grief is a natural and healthy response to loss, it must be traversed thoughtfully. We are reminded to stay present, to face each day as it comes, and to avoid plunging into the depths of sorrow before its time. That way, when grief does arrive, we can engage with it authentically, fully experiencing its pangs but also leaving room for recovery, growth, and eventual renewal.

In this upbeat episode, Faern shares insights from her own journey of embracing change and finding growth through grief. She believes in the power of open dialogue about the emotional dance of grieving, mourning, sadness, and anger. Faern suggests that proactively discussing these emotional states can foster understanding and resilience. She argues that our society often keeps the grieving process shrouded in secrecy, which can hinder emotional development, particularly in younger people. Join Faern as she sheds light on the subject, offering a message of hope and empowerment for navigating life’s challenging moments.

While it is happening- you might be looking out at the world from a very difficult place and it most likely does not feel good at all- remember injuries cause pain and in healing that broken bone it hurts too. It is the same for emotional aspects of living.

It might not feel this way right now, but, grief is good as long as you don’t leave yourself hanging.
Listen in and let us know your questions when you are ready.
Thank you for being here!

Big Love from Spirits Path…

HERE is the episode

Thanks for listening!

woman with braided hair meditating outdoors

New Podcast Episode: A Place To Return To No Matter Where You Are

Blog, Spirits Path Podcast
back view of a person standing on a vast green grass field
Photo by Taryn Elliott on

It is impossible to ignore that the world is in much more of a state of duress than the average person should be able to realize.  Simply put, it is impossible for one single person to HOLD all of THAT and still maintain themselves.
Furthermore- we here at Spirits Path Podcast do not think anyone should have to while at the exact same time do not believe any part of it should be blindly ignored.

Where then does this leave us as individuals?
That is what Faern is offering us today- YOU as an INDIVIDUAL absolutely must have a place within yourself to return to because this big picture is going to get worse before it gets better.
How long this takes is up to us.
Tune into who you are, what you are doing and why. See what you can shift today.

In this episode Faern mentions the last episode called  ‘”Lackmind” In Hard Times’  found HERE. She also points out the series on intentions. If you click HERE you will be brought to the blog on her website where the series is all together on one post. Finally the affirmations episode and PDF can be found HERE.

Thank you for spending time with us on the path.

photo lavender flower field under pink sky

New Podcast Episode: Lackmind In Hard Times

Blog, Spirits Path Podcast
white red and yellow citrus fruits
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on

Humanity is in such a massive transition- you’d forget we JUST went through a pandemic, barely beyond it and here we are in the biggest shift yet.
On one level- it may not seem this way as of NOW because it is percolating and a lot of people are trying REALLY REALLY HARD to ignore it. Then on the very next landing they find out this is not possible and begin to hyper focus on what is NOT working- which unfortunately is likely how we got here to begin with.

“LACKMIND in Hard Times” is an episode about just that. NONE of us are in the same boat but yet it is imperative we find ways to pass supplies between the vessels. This week Faern explores what we can do to shift this in a personal way so that we can assist others in doing the same thing. We have to start with ourselves.

Listen in and let us know how you are turning your LACKMIND into a new golden perspective.

a notebook with affirmation words


Blog, Self Mastery

The best affirmations are the ones which provide you with a spark deep down inside. Sometimes these are written by others, other times you. Honestly the ones that are not written by you which provide that spark are pretty universal and although they feel good it’s not a good idea to depend upon them. Even if you absolutely love some of these all encompassing simple affirmations I highly suggest you write those down multiple times to really connect truthfully.

To write your own you want to start with a series of very simple I am statements. Which may be what you were already working with.

Below are the basic steps for creating your own affirmations.

Keep this in mind as you go: the power of the affirmation not only comes from the words you choose but your energetic connection to them.
Be sure you don’t get so flowery in your language that it feels weird to say it. As if it’s foreign to your own energy body.

Stage one

Start with “I am“ phrases. Make a long list of these. Look these over multiple times and then move onto creating a list quite similar to the one you just made except you’re going to focus on any positive phrase beginning. Anything that is affirmative – I know , I have, I love etc.

Stage two

Always write in the positive. The focus is on what you want rather than what you don’t want. The focus is on what you want to happen not what isn’t happening or working out.

Stage three

We are working in this now so write these that way. In the present tense.

There’s a very big idea around “already having“ which I feel goes much further than writing only in the present tense. This has more to do with how it feels to have the thing or experience work out than it does with everything being in this now. Although that is also important as well.

Stage four

Dual affirmations to confirm aspirations. It’s one thing to want to be an artist and it’s a whole other thing to be grateful for all the ideas, supplies and space to make the art.

“I am experiencing great success in my new business“ pair this with I am so excited to be enjoying all of this wealth at last“

This approach will confirm and reaffirm your highest passion and believe in what you want to experience in this lifetime.

Stage five

Affirmations have nothing to do with how any of it is going to happen. This is most likely where people get lost in this process because we are often trained to look for the how-to steps because that’s how most people in history have done it. But when it comes to energy and in particular affirmations of this sort you needing those details actually creates a blockage or a speed bump in information Moving towards you which might create unintentional difficulties which may cause a misunderstanding of the process.

Stage six

Now let’s talk about successes or things you like about yourself. Often these parts of yourself or ourselves overlooked or taken for granted and this is the foundation of how we are being in the world. If this affirmation process is completely new to you it’s a very good idea to begin with these things that you like about yourself about your life about your children and about your hobbies about whatever it is that you can pull up because it will help you understand how it works because you already have these things. It takes away the stress of all of those manifestation details people love to give out.


Choose five things.
Write a couple affirmations per thing if you need more assistance on this download the PDF which is linked at the bottom of this post. Actually download it anyway, I think you’ll enjoy it.

Stage seven

Why are you start with in distress and needs are through the roof?

Taking time to practice being with one’s self is a magnificent way to connect with your inner being but also with your life around you. The stage is directly attached to the previous one about successes. Choosing to write affirmations about a wide variety of topics allows for a good amount of space to create the ones which you’ll have the most success or benefit from.

Here’s an example from my own life. Before I go out I have an affirmation I usually say which I like very much. You can do this around all things you want to confirm and affirm into your life. Changing the way you approach things in your life to support what you actually want includes your thinking patterns which will help shift circumstances around you bringing in new experiences new feelings new friends new new things to do with your day with your life.

Having a positive view of your life going forward is going to increase in importance very quickly. Creating a perspective around that will remove the possible habit of leaning on expectations and beliefs. Yes absolutely dream ENORMOUSLY while keeping in mind you actually have to believe it. If you’re going to be repeating it to yourself out loud especially. Which you are, see below.

What to do with your affirmations

You’ve written a long list of wonderful statements and phrases sing straight to your heart – no what?

There are all kinds of ways to use them. From scripting, repeating, recording and listening, to breathing and repeating, meditation and journaling. The key is that you cultivate a deep relaxation component as part of a practice in order to make these things really connect to your being.

Another thing that is extremely helpful is active visualization or for my purposes and for some of your purposes I’m calling “FEELIZATION” which is my personal experience and practice which I will have to do an entire post about it in order to explain it to you.

Another thing you could do is affirm while traveling, driving, walking, pushing the kid in the stroller or when you have nothing to do. Or if you just have a second you can run some affirmations through your head. Another thing you can do is have them ready to go for when you wake up in the morning and just do that get used to repeating them in a positive tone in your head you can repeat them while you’re brushing your teeth and stuff like that. But here’s the deal with that. This is important. You still have to do it at some point when you’re connected to a very deep relaxation or do the visualization otherwise you won’t fully connect energetically to them it will feel good but this component will give your body the direct connection that you’re looking for. This often goes overlooked I tried it the other way it doesn’t work.

Here’s an activity:

Write down a negative belief that you have about yourself and then write down the exact opposite.

Thanks for reading,

I condensed this process- which you can download for free here:

shiny water surface

Beliefs, Philosophy & Spiritual Practices : Spirits Path Podcast Episode

Blog, Spirits Path Podcast
Alaska Mountains
Alaska Mountains by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC-BY 2.0

In this thought-provoking episode, Faern delves into the fascinating realm where philosophy and spirituality intersect. While exploring this intersection, she sheds light on some essential cultural aspects related to the process of choosing spiritual practices.

One crucial point Faern emphasizes is the existence of practices that are specifically designed for and originated from particular groups of people. These practices carry deep cultural significance and are rooted in the traditions and wisdom of those communities. Embracing these practices with respect and understanding is an integral part of spiritual growth and connection.

It’s important to note that honoring and appreciating these culturally specific practices should not be misunderstood as exclusionary acts. On the contrary, by acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of spiritual traditions, we create an atmosphere of inclusivity and open dialogue. This fosters a rich tapestry of shared experiences and perspectives, promoting understanding and unity among different cultures and belief systems.

If you found this topic intriguing, we highly recommend diving deeper into the subject by exploring two related episodes below.

Happy listening and may your spiritual journey be enriched by the wisdom found in these conversations!

What Is A ‘Spirit Path’?

11 Minute Meditation: Centering & Holding Space

and as usual, if you have any questions or topic suggestions Faern mentions an email in most episodes- use that one!

Podcast Series on The Art of Intention

Blog, Spirits Path Podcast
person holding round framed mirror near tree at daytime
Photo by Jenna Hamra on

The Art of Intention is a captivating 3-part series on Spirits Path Podcast. It provides a framework for writing and utilizing intentions effectively. Learn how to craft powerful intentions, apply them to manifest your goals, and create a supportive environment for success. Tune in and unlock the transformative power of intention.

Listen to the episodes here:

Thank you for taking the time to listen.
Let us know if you have any questions.

photo of mountain under cloudy sky
Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on

NEW Podcast is HERE!

Blog, Hungry For Apples Podcast, Spirits Path Podcast
flowing river
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Exciting news! We’ve made a bold move and rebranded the podcast!

I’m thrilled to share the exciting news with you. The podcast has undergone a fantastic transformation and is now known as the captivating “Spirits Path Podcast.” We cordially invite you to embark on this incredible journey with us and explore thought-provoking episodes available across various podcast platforms. Feel free to tune in and get inspired! Here’s the link to access the show. Thank you for listening!

pink clouds
Photo by Ömer Aydın on