About The 1111 Special


I feel like this is a great combinations of efforts- we can all help each other…

During the pandemic I allowed myself to work with materials I have never allowed before. Many people reading this know me from this very very tentative time in my life, in everyone’s lives, and may not realize that the person they think they know was an “in between” then and now…

Yes, a bit cryptic but stay with me and try to hold off on blanketing me into “yeah everyone” because this is just not true, not for me nor for you.

The portion I want to touch on now is “the arts” and creativity. In a limited way I can describe what I am trying to get at as follows: I have been making art for a very long time. I have not allowed myself to do things like paint boxes and make trinkets because this causes a rift in between you and your “bigger” art. Which means- the cost of the “bigger” art you make will come down, the likeliness of getting into a gallery showing also becomes more limited and in some cases shuts the door completely.
At this point I am not concerned with any of those details anymore HOWEVER I am putting any of this sort of thing on the back burner and have no plan on returning to them. THIS IS WHY I made the $11.11 special- not because I think those things are worth this, this isn’t true it’s way to cheap. I am going with this as a gift outwards- this is a hard time for SO MANY PEOPLE. I added all kinds of things- and I am adding more. There are ebooks, necklaces, boxes, 1:1 sessions (only 1! per offer) that I am hoping people will take part in. I am leaving this available until 11/11. PLEASE buy some gifts too- I have crystals and everything to add.

If you click the button below you can scroll through what I have to offer- and that is where I will add new items to in the next few hours / days

ESSENTIALLY I am taking a big turn in my life and work- I has been quite a challenge. In order to do this I need to find homes for all this wonderful stuff I made while figuring everything out. NOW I am not saying I have it figured out- I just know what’s NOT coming forward with me.
That and I have some things coming up in my life which I need to gather funding for.

I feel like this is a great combinations of efforts- we can all help each other…

Thanks for reading,